MCCC celebrates 127 Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society inductees

One hundred and twenty-seven students were inducted into 蒙哥马利县社区学院's Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa international honor society 两年制大学2022年秋季学期.

One hundred and twenty-seven students were inducted into Montgomery County Community College's Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa international honor society 两年制大学2022年秋季学期.

蒙哥马利县社区学院 celebrated the induction of 127 students into the Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kapa (PTK) international honor society 两年制大学2022年秋季学期.

MCCC有两个 PTK章节 – Alpha Kappa Zeta at the 蓝铃校园 and Beta Tau Lambda at the Pottstown校园. Both chapters have attained five-star status, the highest rank a chapter can earn. Dr. Catherine Parzynski,历史学助理教授,博士. 凯茜·霍尔特·谢林, History Professor, are the advisers for Alpha Kappa Zeta, and Douglas Powell, History Assistant Professor, and Meredith Frank, Communications Studies Instructor, are the 贝塔Tau Lambda的顾问.

To be eligible for this elite honor, students must earn a minimum of 12 credits, maintain 平均绩点3分.五级以上,具有良好的道德品质.

The online video induction ceremony for the Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter started with 世纪挑战集团总裁李志强博士致贺电. 维多利亚L. Bastecki-Perez.

“As the newest members of PTK, you exemplify the four hallmarks of scholarship, fellowship, 领导与服务. 你们已经表明了你们对这两个标志的承诺 inside and outside of the classroom, serving as members of clubs, on athletic teams, leading outreach initiatives in our communities and, of course, for your academic 巴斯特斯基-佩雷斯说. "我代表整个冰球突破豪华版家族, including our Board of Trustees, your fellow students, our faculty, staff and alumni of more than 90,000 members and, of course, myself, we are proud of your efforts and 你在追求学业目标的过程中继续努力. 恭喜你工作顺利 完成.”

The inductees are joining a scholarly fellowship that embraces not only community college students in the United States but also nationally and internationally, said Dr. Parzynski. Phi Theta Kappa成立于1918年,并于1929年被正式承认 由美国社区学院协会发起. 今天,它已经从最初的发展 八章至1300余篇,共包含3余篇.500万会员 在世界范围内.

“Phi Theta Kappa becomes more than a club – its members enter into an intellectual fellowship that extends beyond our College to regional, national and international 网络. 在Phi Theta Kappa的Alpha Kappa Zeta分会,我们的新会员将 找到一种学术氛围。. Parzynski.

The Alpha Kappa Zeta inductees for fall 2022 are Omar Ali, Ryan Alrutz, Thalya Asari, Hasanah Bahaadur, Ashley Barndt, Abigail Bautista, Danielle Black, Michael Blackman, Raven Braun, Ellysha Brunt, Emily Buckwalter, Juan Ceballos-Gutierrez, Regan Cherelli, Skylar Cianchetta, Guy Cimini, Nina Clark, Isabella Coluccio, Kelly Cooperrider, Beatrice Culbertson, Aislinn Curran, Talia Czop, Jack Demtshuk, Jeremiah Diaz, Jessica Dill, Robert Dreher, Katelyn Durst, Shelly Dusing, Summer Elsayed, Virginia Emery, Alicia Fairer, Jenna Feldman, Lara Ferreira, Katie Ferrier, Sarah Flynn, Jennifer Fry, Julia Gallo, Marguerite Gelfin, Sara Gilani, Nicholas Greer, Katherine Grohowski, Rebecca Hansell, Tracey Hawley, Audrey Hayes, Daniel Hayes, Kristina Heebner, Lindsay Hellmann, Ashley Henrick, Laura Hoffman, Samantha Intoppa, Christian Izzo, Brooklyn Jackson, Noah Johnson, Ashley Justice, Sean Kahl, Anna Kanolash, Eric Kim, Amie Klein, Rebecca Klick, Celia Koehl, Kelsey Labarbera, Jieun Lee, Emily Lenhart, Madelin Lopez Olivo, Ewa Luczaj, Seth Lyles, Hannah Marshall, Sabrina May, Laura McMurtrie, Monica McNally, Rina Mejia, Luke Menke, Dimitrie Meyer, Samantha Minissale, Minguk Moon, Brendan Moor, Chloe Morales, Paola Morales, Denise Mottola, Kevin Motz, Gisselle Muraira, Briana Myall, Karen Myers, Kelly Natter, Gabriela Ochoa-Ceja, Fatima Ouadah, Tanheng Oun, Rudra Patel, Ashton Pearce, Tyler Pearce, Erica Pilla, Carter Pugh, Erin Raftery, Kh Mahbubur Rahman, Abhijay Rao Mallya, Emilyrose Rarrick, Callisa Rebitz, Traci Rexer, Kayla Riley, Dayeilis Rivera, William Roberts, Victoria Rosenbaum, Kyle Ruder, Zachary Rush, Jameson Ruth, Yusuf Sarac, Liesl Scheuren, Nicholas Scoma, Alina Seifert, John Smallwood, Leah Smith, Kirstin Snyder, Brandon Somoza-Ascencio, Christopher Stenta, Brittany Strassel, Caroline Tilson, Moiz Uddin, Patricia Viana Martins, Rachael Weller, Philip Wetzel, Carl Williams, Catarina Wollard, Alivia Yablonsky, Jeong Min Yi and 希瑟年轻.

This year’s officers are William Moser, President; Bill Roberts, Vice President of Leadership; Jessica Dill, Vice President of Scholarship; Katharine Boyle, Secretary; 还有玛格丽特·"罗西"·盖尔芬,公共关系录音官.

有很多 好处 to being inducted as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, including special recognition during the induction ceremony and at commencement, scholarships, career training opportunities, transfer success, leadership development, and member discounts.

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